Sunday, March 6, 2011

Perhaps it's time to lay off the JiYeon...

... now that I've begun to recognize folks' clothes in dramas. WTF? Pray for me.

From Midas


Anonymous said...

It looks better on PSY. If her clothing line succeeds here, it will be a pleasant surprise.

OT----You know, she was stunning/unique bef plastic surgery, and now looks like a lot of other Korean actresses? I stop commenting on South Korean actresses looks because they are all manufactured so I just concentrate on the acting.

Universal beauty my ass. Pyscho BS.


Enagwolo said...

lol. Yeah, the surgery was absolutely unnecessary. I think she had issues with her smile (still does as she always covers her face when she laughs) but no reason to change stuff. Seems to be a rather toxic industry and to think that many think that Hollywood is bad. But I try not to think about it. lol.

Anonymous said...

You know I would think Hollywood is bad but we get too many ordinary or average looking ppl making it so it boils down to the performance actually does matter.

I think Americans at this point could care less what an actor looks like as long as s/he can act! If you can, we'll watch....Lol, tested and approved based on the stars we see!


Angelica said...

Msk, eh, I don't know. Blake Lively and Megan Fox are continuing to get roles, when their acting is still abysmal. Heh, sorry if you guys like them, but I'm just not into them. Granted, they are pretty, though Fox has been chiseled by the surgeon's knife too many times.

Re: Si Yeon, yeah. She was pretty before, and I hadn't actually liked her when she started and was turned off by her cosmetic alterations, but thank goodness for Coffee House that I've pretty much forgiven her. She's proven herself as an actor, so, I can't help but be a fan.