Saturday, October 30, 2010


So Nikita is the only American show I'm still following. I think I liked episode 7 because it really was about the lives of the recruits versus what the other episodes were about (which I've already forgotten). Since Nikita is on the outside of "Divsion" while most of the action in the past few episodes have occurred in Division, I guess it makes sense for us to get to know those people a little better.

I don't even know what I'm saying. Anyway, I'm sticking with it for now. I'm not sure if we're expected to watch 5 seasons of how Nikita tries to take down Division because this plot feels like a one season drama to me... or have I just gotten too used to the Asian drama format? Whatever.


Anonymous said...

I have not picked this one up yet, but I did pick up "Outsourced" (too funny).

This one looks like it's headed for Jason B type of drama if allowed another season. Bourne was the best and should not be duplicated imo.


Enagwolo said...

I agree, Bourne was the best. Some of these shows really are made for only one season but you know how American TV is. A good example is Heroes which has a good first season. All the subsequent ones stopped.

As for outsourced, I've put a hold on it for now. Not because it's boring but it's so short! I'll probably do a marathon when I have about two or three hours worth of episodes to watch.

Anonymous said...

lol, I even have a Heroes t-shirt, but could not make it past season one with sylar...he was killing off some really cool people.

I watch OS on On-Demand.

Enagwolo said...

Oh yeah, Sylar... how I loathed him. Geez.