Thursday, June 16, 2011

City Hunter is the bomb drama this week

I still have to watch episode 8 but I won't be surprised of the drama becomes more like the manga as the story unfolds. I'm not sure yet but the writer is smart and seems to have pulled a switcheroo on the Nana-Yoon Sung relationship and I won't be too surprised if Nana ends up being fired from her job so that she can start working for YS. We'll see. 


Anonymous said...

Hi clock,

I just finished epi 7 and man that was a good episode. Loving how they use the music to capture the moments of intrigue and suspense.

Nana needs to be She should only be guarding YS's body.

YS/Nana fighting!


Enagwolo said...

Episode 8 is good too! I'm loving it even though some things are weak like those sons being willing to show they were healthy and stuff.

Anonymous said...

Not a smart one in the bunch if you ask


Enagwolo said...

lol. You know dramas always have to make people dumb to move the plot along.