More on the Awards Stuff.... at least MBC is being honest.
Receiving criticisms for awarding two winners, producers of MBC’s “2010 Drama Awards” decided to defend their decision via Star News.
The ceremony held on the night of December 30th gave out two awards for not only the daesang, but most of the other categories as well, leading many to question whether the awards show was simply handing out trophies as they pleased.
On the 31st, a high associate of MBC’s drama team stated, “The drama awards is not a contest, but a ceremony to end the year on a good note by supporting and encouraging each other. The fact that we’re even judging the dramas we made ourselves takes away from the ‘contest’ aspect of the show. The point of the ceremony was to congratulate those who worked hard throughout the year in the form of a trophy, and to support the programs that received poor ratings.”
He continued, “Regarding the winners for this year, it was difficult to clearly decide on a superior winner, which is why they were co-awarded. Regardless, two of the award categories were originally meant for two winners anyway.”
With regards to co-receipients having caused the awards ceremony’s status to decline, he further explained, “We’re the ones that made the dramas and we’re the ones judging them, so it’s difficult to determine the ’status’ of the awards. We know that it might be more meaningful for a person to win an award on their own, but from our viewpoint, all of the actors and actresses are amazing and impressive people. We don’t feel the need to specifically rank them in first and second.”
Eh, I feel they're making excuses. Heh. In the newcomer category, MBC gave awards to actors who have been in the industry for years. I don't know what constitutes as newbies to MBC, but these network awards shows are a pure popularity contest and PR stunt.
Agree with Angelica.
Why 2 OLD LADIES won the newcomer award? Hopefully MBC can provide explanation on this as well.
In their explanation,I hope they include the definition of "NEWCOMER"in their dictionary.
"...purpose is to support shows with low ratings"
LOL MBC, that's cause almost ALL of your shows had low ratings, jeez. you are such a FAIL network to begin with, all dramas are cursed if its aired by you! gosh!
Indirectly MBC's also saying:
"We're the ones that made the dramas, we're the ones judging them and... we're having the right to manipulate the voting.It's not right to say we don't respect the viewers'/voters' selection, but supporting the programs that received poor rating and encouraging those who worked hard are always our first priority.
Viewers, do you know how we manipulate? It is very easy, don't show the count on the spot when you vote, then change the figure according to the pre-determined winners list on the announcement day. Don't worry, no third party is allowed to check the count."
I have a good idea for MBC's consideration in 2011 award. That is instead of having 2 winners for each award, split the award according to years of experience of actor / actress. Apply this to newcomer award as well. MBC can have award for newcomer of below 2 yrs experience, above 2yrs but less than 3 yrs, above 3 yrs but less than 5yrs, above 5 yrs but less than 10yrs. Is it great, 4 winners instead 2 winners? This serves MBC's purpose of distributing awards to more winners.Hey MBC, pls consider it seriously....hahahaha........
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