Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I have lost the desire to write

I hate my characters.
I hate my plots.
I hate my writing style.
I hate my stories.
I hate the process of writing.
I hate everything I've ever written.
I have half a mind to delete every single thing I've ever written and just call it a day.
I have decided to just take a break and not think about it.
I hope this goes away soon.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm kinda stuck in a mood. Hopefully I can get back to writing soon, havent written anything for a few months now..

Anonymous said...

I have been struggling with this since the spring. I lost my confidnece but then it changed into a loss of desire. I have always needed to write and suddenly both the need and desire have gone away. Did either of you get through it? If so how?

Enagwolo said...

Hey, I didn't even know I got some responses. It's over a year later and I still haven't really found it. :(