Saturday, January 15, 2011

Should I be ashamed that...

...I knew this song

...before I knew this one?

Or that I knew this one...(one of my eldest bro's favorites)

...before this one?

Although, when I found out, it did make sense cos I was confused about grown men with moustaches and beards talking about school and taking the long way home.


Anonymous said...

I was listening to someone on the radio, I think it was one of Rhianna's song they were playing, but most times stations don't tell you who unless it's at the beginning of a set, and I heard MJ in the background of the song (I really like the mix on this one) yeah, it is going to take a


Enagwolo said...

I wonder what song that is. Now I have got to go hunt it down :D

Anonymous said...

"Please don't stop the music" and it is Rihanna....oops, I spelled her name wrong in my 1st post....
