Tuesday, March 27, 2007

So I updated "With One Foot In" last night...

... I have 2 more chapters to post but lo and behold, I am such a procrastinator. I don't know why I just can't get the words down... and it's not because I have writer's block. Nope. It's because I am so lazy. Pfft. But I MUST finish a chapter tonight even if it kills me. I really like Wrong Foot First and I can't wait till I am done with these two chapters so I can get back to WFF-like cuteness.

But when it comes to childish things, I've jumped on the www.votefortheworst.com bandwagon. I don't watch American Idol and haven't really watched it since the first season but I dislike the show anyway. But after visiting the site and seeing how angry people were about others voting for the worst, I got inspired to vote for Sanjaya!

Frankly speaking, "America" doesn't always vote for the best which is exemplified by great people getting kicked off while sucky but beautiful (?) people stay on so why not help them out by just voting for the worst? It's not just about annoying the judges but all the fangirls who vote for reasons other than talent.

Having said that, I totally fangirl actors based on their looks (and not talent) but hey, whatever, men. lol. But on the other hand, I only fangirl musicians based on their looks AND talent. Does that make me less hypocritical? Hehehehe

Speaking of a singer I like solely based on talent, I am really loving this Joe song called If I was your man.

Unfortunately, I, too, would have picked Blair Underwood over Joe... lol. Does that make me a bad person? :(

But the girl seems to be quite triffling because both men know about the other guy yet they still want her. Is she come kind of prize? Or does she have kryptonite in her...? Her body is banging, though.

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