Friday, June 29, 2012

I started my screenwriting class yesterday

Anyone who's visited this blog knows that time and time again I mention this whole writing thing. But in the end, I never actually go for it. My job has been kind enough to let me take a few days off a week to take this class and from my first class, I already knew this was something that I wanted to do. I really can imagine myself in the writer's room of a television show bouncing around ideas as we write an episode. I don't know if I will ever get there but I do know I will finish the script I am writing for the class. Wish me luck!


Angelica said...


I've also wanted to write a script, so, tell me how it goes ;)

You're a very gifted writer, so, I hope to see your name credited on a TV show ;)

When you're through with your first script, will you share it?

Enagwolo said...

Thanks so much for calling me a gifted writer. :) I never thought of sharing my script but after I register it with the wga, I can send it to you. The class is forcing me to actually do this. I think I've procrastinated enough. I'm even thinking of quitting my job soon to focus on this. lol. But I can't do that for a while. lol

Angelica said...

Hey, you deserve the compliment!

I envy you if you can afford to quit your job to be able to pursue your real dream :) Heh, my dream's pretty shallow at the moment: somehow be the lucky recipient of a windfall. LOL.

Anyway, wow, you'll be part of the WGA, then? Impressive. I can't wait to read your script when you're through with it then.

Enagwolo said...

lol. If I quit my job to become a writer, my entire family will think I am nuts. LOL. So I can call it "taking a break." :D

cambellmacek said...
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