Thursday, January 12, 2012

Revenge 13 Promo

I haven't watched last night's episode yet but will tonight. The next episode looks really good.


Anonymous said...

I am two episodes behind. OMO.

My current addiction is "Mob Wives". These MOFOs are c-r-a-z-y and the music featured is adding to my YT plays! LOL.....Americans are still having a love affair with the mafia.


Anonymous said...

I'm also in love with "The Good Wife". What to do?

The writing is off the chain!



Enagwolo said...

Mob Wives is a reality show, right? I haven't seen but I saw an ad for it and it looked crazy.

The Good Wife? I am almost done watching all Castle Episodes so I might try that next :)

Anonymous said...

I finally caught up on "R". It looks like we are moving to NY.

I really am not feeling the brothers currently, and cannot imagine why they would move to NY as well.??? Then again it's more like I don't want to see more than half of the cast after they leave the Hamptons. I want just Em and Nolan and a new crop of
characters. Mean. I. know.

Charlotte may not be Em's half sister as the now dead security guy came to mind also as someone Victoria could've fooled around with too.... He was "overly" protective of her.

Mob Wives is a reality show and the women (as in grown ass) are nuts and I love it. They are adding more friends and "family" members but the four main members are the best imo. Renee, Karla, Drita and Karen.....

The Good Wife is excellent! Someone talked it up on DBs-OT so I gave it a watch. Glad I did not miss out on this one....


Enagwolo said...

I was planning to watch Good Wife but taking down megaupload has screwed me. UGH

Anonymous said...

I see Hulu has season 1 and 2.

Here is link:

The full epis are at the top of the page. I think a re-watch is in order.


Enagwolo said...

Thanks for the link!