Monday, September 5, 2011

Zenkai Girl Episode 9

I watched it live even though it was buffering like crazy so I can't say I got everything. 
Good things: The focus is finally back on the romance. Wakaba confessed to Shota.
Bad things: Shindo had a private chat with Shota. After the confession, Shota walked off with Soyoko. LMAO. Of course this makes him a pure bastard because he's using the poor girl.
And then next week he's hugging her like this. WTF is his problem? LOL
If they don't end up together it will be a fail drama but let's just say I'm not the biggest fan of Shota's weakness so on a certain level, I'm okay with this character not ending up with Wakaba. But we all know this is just the angst used to stretch out the story. How many episodes does this drama even have? And Ririka will be back next week.

The Chinese subbed video can be viewed here.


Anonymous said...

I need to play catch up and watch epi 8 because epi 9 looks like I woke up from a long drive to ask, "Where are we?"

He's holding the woman who kissed him while sleeping only to tell her he's not interested....I did not think he was the type to use a person....sighs.


Enagwolo said...

Well, it's not that bad but it's still bad. I don't think he intentionally planned on using her but she overheard him tell Wakaba that he likes her. He only said that because of his convo with Shindo. But since she overheard, he's stuck.

Anonymous said...

What happened to your Zenkai Girl Ep 8 Recap?


Enagwolo said...

On couch kimchi? I think you found it (you left a comment).

Anonymous said...

Yes, I kept looking and looking for your epi 8 recap and finally, it magically appeared out of
